Becky & Savannah ~Tweseldown BE90

October 12, 2019  •  Leave a Comment


Tweseldown BE90

Full Gallery - Here 

If you know the horse world at all, you will also know that it's a life full of ups and downs, Thankfully we mostly have ups but Its safe to say today was one of those down days. 

I knew I would not make it in time to see Becky and Savannahs dressage test as it was on rather early and unfortunately myself and my own ponies are not really early risers. However I had planned to make it for the show jumping. The dressage had gone relatively well considering some areas where rather boggy.

The weather was pretty grim at home but the forecast was ok for Tweseldown so I grabbed the camera and I little body warmer and set off. On route it rained.. then rained some more and yes you guessed it....MORE RAIN! 

I also missed a turning so arrived just as Becky had finished her show jumping! Becky and Savannah had taken 8 penalties at this point.

So after I managed to find them all it was off to the Cross Country...

Tweseldown (1 of 1)-9Tweseldown (1 of 1)-9

I was quite surprised that considering the rain the ground was not too bad. The jumps looked nice too.

Tweseldown (1 of 1)-3Tweseldown (1 of 1)-3 A bit of a warm up before they were off. 1st jump clear and off they galloped out of sight.

Tweseldown (1 of 1)-5Tweseldown (1 of 1)-5 Tweseldown (1 of 1)-7Tweseldown (1 of 1)-7

I knew I was only going to be able to catch the first and last jump so I went over to the last to wait for them but unfortunately I hear on the tannoy that they parted company :-(

Thankfully both were unharmed and Becky later said that the jump was a large skinny brush and Savannah had quite simply said "No way Mum!"  She is still in the very early days of her career and is still young so of course she will sometimes question things and its the moments that are questioned that we all learn from.

So onwards and upwards to the next event.




BE 90 Gorung (9 of 41)



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